Ontario — Robert Catto, Photographer - Blog — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia
Posts tagged Ontario
Kage Collective August issue out today

The new edition of Kage Collective essays is out today, with new work from just about all of us. It's summer over in the Northern Hemisphere, so a lot of us have been on the move or on holiday recently - including myself - so our stories this month reflect that.

Here's a bonus image that didn't find its way into the story this month - I don't often do double exposures in-camera, but thought I'd take another look at it this month...

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Lost & Found #42: Pointe-au-Baril Lighthouse, Canada

As it's Canada Day (if you factor in the date line, of course), I thought I'd post something from one of my visits back to 'the old country' where I grew up for today's Lost & Found.

This is from an area about 3h north of Toronto on the Great Lakes - Georgian Bay, to be specific, which is part of Lake Huron but practically a lake unto itself by any normal standards of measurement...

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A Field Guide To The Birders of Southern Ontario (new Kage Collective post, with the Fuji X-Pro 1)

Just in time for Australia Day this weekend, here's an essay of images of...Canada, last summer.  New today on the Kage Collective site, it's the first essay for 2014, and it's one of mine!  Stop on over and have a look...

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