— Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

It’s cliche to point out the huge changes going on in the world of photojournalism, but something that united the six of us was a core belief that griping about how good the old days were didn’t make us feel better and that technology today brings us closer than ever to the dream of being the eyes of the world. Change always brings opportunity, and we desperately, passionately, want to find the model, the secret recipe, that lets us turn inspired photography into swarms of eyeballs and enough money to keep going. Sure, that sounds a little like an alchemist trying to turn lead into gold. But we won’t know until we try…
— My friend Melanie Burford - a great Kiwi photojournalist, and professor at Columbia University - has launched Prime Collective today with a group of her colleagues.  You can see some of her outstanding photography and multimedia in her portfolio at the site - highly recommended.  (Hey, there’s a reason they gave her that Pulitzer, y’know…)  Good on you, Mel!