— Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

Just been mucking about with an old image of mine, one of those ones that never felt quite right the way I’d processed it initially.  You probably won’t have seen it anywhere before, because (while I quite like it) it’s always been…

Just been mucking about with an old image of mine, one of those ones that never felt quite right the way I’d processed it initially.  You probably won’t have seen it anywhere before, because (while I quite like it) it’s always been too dark to actually show up except in print - and even then, it was really really dark!  But, the joy of technology mixed with the march of progress means I’m now able to do things to it that I couldn’t or wouldn’t have done in March ‘06, when I took it.

This is from a production in the New Zealand International Arts Festival called Holy Sinner, by Inside Out Productions and starring Cliff Curtis and Mia Blake.  As this scene tailed off (if I remember correctly), Mia was standing on the edge of the stage with a group of people on the ground around her, and the stage lift was taking her down into the depths as the light gradually faded. 

I have a couple of images before this one, but this is the last before the light truly died; and I’ve always liked the hand reaching in from the right of the frame, her eyeline towards it, and the way the dying light looks on her.  I think it’s my most painterly image, if that makes sense!

Anyway - finally I’ve got a viewable version of it that I’m relatively happy with (thanks in part to Alien Skin’s Exposure 3 plug-in).  That won’t stop me from looking at it again in a couple more years, I’m sure - if not sooner!

(I photographed Mia again during the Festival two years later, for Indian Ink Theatre’s show The Dentist’s Chair - she’s great, and a really lovely sense of humour too!)
