— Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

New photo gallery at the Festival site from the Mahler Symphony No. 8 concert the other night - this is the crowd in Civic Square watching the free, live feed - and more to come (Sutra, Sound of Silence, Transports Exceptionnels…) when I&#8217…

New photo gallery at the Festival site from the Mahler Symphony No. 8 concert the other night - this is the crowd in Civic Square watching the free, live feed - and more to come (Sutra, Sound of Silence, Transports Exceptionnels…) when I’ve processed more images!

I’ve seen (well, with one eye through a tube) some great shows so far - definitely worth getting to Transports Exceptionnels today if you have a chance, at 2pm & 5pm in Waitangi Park.

Sutra looks great (but I was always going to love something with Shaolin kung fu!), and Sound of Silence is exactly the kind of theatre I like - I’m surprised it hasn’t been to World Stage in Toronto, frankly!  Montreal & Quebec, yes; Toronto, no?