Lost & Found #47: Sydney Biennale at Cockatoo Island, 2012 — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

Lost & Found #47: Sydney Biennale at Cockatoo Island, 2012

Philip Beesley, Hylozoic Series: Sibyl, 2012 at the Sydney Biennale, Cockatoo Island, 2012.

Philip Beesley, Hylozoic Series: Sibyl, 2012 at the Sydney Biennale, Cockatoo Island, 2012.

This week's Lost & Found is a perfect example of why I started posting these - images I was very happy with, but that only I have seen. And even saying that, I saved them to my hard drive that week, and never looked at them again until now!

The 18th Sydney Biennale was held in July 2012, before I moved here from New Zealand; but while here on a visit I took a ferry to Cockatoo Island to see both the site and the installed works. It was a thoroughly impressive collection - and a beautiful sunny day, right in the middle of winter, which Sydney does very well I must say.

I should really apologise now for the fact that I haven't recorded each of the artists' names as I was going around - when I'm on holiday I tend to just photograph things and worry less about documenting every detail, but of course when I have images I like and want to blog about them, that info would be handy! (Let me know in the comments if you recognise any of them, I'd be more than happy to add attribution.)

I should also say that one of the images in the gallery isn't an art installation, just something I liked on the island - can you spot which one...?
