Lost & Found #39: Glenorchy near Queenstown, New Zealand 2014
The road to Glenorchy from Queenstown, New Zealand (click to embiggen)
Today's Lost & Found is a quick exercise in contrasting weather - the same scene in New Zealand's South Island just outside Queenstown, taken with the same camera & lens combination, just three days apart over the Christmas holidays last year.
This area is better known recently for being the setting of Jane Campion's acclaimed series, Top Of The Lake - which didn't exactly show NZ off in the best light, but is definitely worth a watch if you have a chance.
Unusually for me, these are also both in-camera .jpgs - because the Fuji X-Pro 1 doesn't do sweep panorama RAW files - but that just goes to show you how amazing New Zealand really is...! And, how even in summer, the weather can be utterly different from one day to the next.
The first image was taken on a blustery afternoon, when I was struggling to keep the camera moving in a straight line with every successive gust; the second image was on a blissfully calm morning, when the water was like glass.
The road to Glenorchy from Queenstown, New Zealand - 3 days later (click to embiggen)
I often forget that the camera can do these sorts of images, and I don't often spend the time in Photoshop making massive stitched panoramas (hard to do with waves on water, in any case) - but whatever magic Fuji weaves in-camera to stitch the images on the fly, it seems to work extremely well!
I do still miss my Hasselblad X-Pan from time to time, though - it'd be nice if someone would make a digital version of that, as I've mentioned before - there are still some kinds of images that you can't really capture with a sweep panorama...
Jumpers at Glenelg, Adelaide South Australia (click to embiggen)