Lost & Found #27: Cuba St Carnival, Wellington 2009 — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

Lost & Found #27: Cuba St Carnival, Wellington 2009

Footnote Dance at the Cuba St Carnival, 2009

Footnote Dance at the Cuba St Carnival, 2009

Today's Lost & Found images come from an event I was just attending, rather than working on - the Cuba Street Carnival night parade in Wellington, New Zealand.

I'd been to a few Carnivals over the years, but decided to duck through the setup / holding area on my way to the main street itself, to see if I could find a few of the performers waiting to go on; this first image was one of the Footnote Dance company, who I'd photographed many times over the years.

Empress Stiltdance at the Cuba St Carnival, 2009

Empress Stiltdance at the Cuba St Carnival, 2009

The second image was of one of the performers from Empress Stiltdance - who are based in Sydney now, too! I've photographed them a few times in Wellington as well, but usually during a performance, rather than propping themselves up against a wall before embarking on a long parade through the streets of the city. (You've got to be pretty fit to do that, on stilts the whole time!)

Because I wasn't working on the event, just photographing for myself, I'm pretty sure these have never wound up being used anywhere before - so it's nice to finally show them here!  It's funny how sometimes the calm before the storm is more interesting than the event itself, at least in terms of photography...
