Today in New Zealand International Arts Festival history: Out Of Order (2002), Akram Khan & Where We Once Belonged (2008) — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

Today in New Zealand International Arts Festival history: Out Of Order (2002), Akram Khan & Where We Once Belonged (2008)

Civic Square
Civic Square
Civic Square
Civic Square
Civic Square
Civic Square
Civic Square
Civic Square
Toi Whakaari
Toi Whakaari
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre
Downstage Theatre

Two shows and a workshop, today - first is Out Of Order, from the Out & About series in 2002.  Looking at the photos, I remember the show pretty well - I feel like the performer was French, but of course the phone box was sourced & branded locally so it would look normal.  I feel like he didn't speak during the show, but convinced members of the audience to help him at various points - getting up on the box, then passing him his briefcase, that sort of thing - and I think it was the most popular Civic Square show that year.  Certainly the crowd on the steps was good, and enjoyed themselves!  (Of course, could you do a show about trying to get into a phone booth now?  Wouldn't someone just hand him their iPhone, if he needed to make a call!?)

One quick image from a workshop in 2008, when Akram Khan and Sylvie Guilleme brought their show Sacred Monsters to Wellington - I wasn't able to photograph the show, but I went along to his schools workshop at Toi Whakaari, which was an interesting hour hearing about his background & dance tradition.  (Sometimes the workshops are the most interesting part, really!)

Where We Once Belonged was an interesting show to see, partly because I'd seen the pitch in the Show & Tell a couple of years earlier, and it turned out almost completely different to what I'd imagined!  As I recall, it was described originally like an evening in a Samoan fale - so when I saw the set design at Downstage, I was a bit surprised!  I think it worked well as a show, though - just not what I thought I was walking into on the day.

I love that Joy Vaele took a moment in rehearsal to flash me a smile & let me know she was actually okay, that the Magasiva boys hadn't been beating her up for real...
