New Kage Collective members announced: would you please welcome... — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

New Kage Collective members announced: would you please welcome...

Kage Collective: New Members 2014 The Kage Collective is a group of photographers from different parts of the globe - until now, it's been Canada, the UK, New Zealand / Australia (me), and Denmark (but he travels a LOT).

Started in late 2012 by Montreal photographer Patrick La Roque, we work with Fuji's X-Series cameras to create essays that are sometimes documentary, sometimes poetic, and often enough both.

We've been a small, tight group for the past year or so, and thought it was about time we added some new faces; so late last year we put out a call for membership, and today, we've invited three new members to join our gang:

To be honest, I think we were really expecting to add one person out of this process; but these three impressed us so much it was impossible to leave any of them out!  So I'm excited to see what they come up with over the next little while, and looking forward to chatting with them about new ideas within the group.

So, welcome!  You can get a taste for their work by checking out their portfolios on the Kage site (I've linked straight to them above), and by all means check back, or follow us on Twitter, to see what new essays start appearing in the coming months...!

(And I'll just slip in one more plug for my current essay on the site, A Field Guide To The Birders of Southern Ontario, in case you missed it earlier...!)
