Late Sun, Bright Future...? (With Fuji X-Pro 1 & 18mm f/2 lens, and Alien Skin Exposure 4) — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia

Late Sun, Bright Future...? (With Fuji X-Pro 1 & 18mm f/2 lens, and Alien Skin Exposure 4)


Late Sun, Bright Future...? Somehow - and maybe it's the influence of the Simpsons coming to the fore - nothing says FUTURE! like a monorail.  And yet, as most of Sydney probably knows, this one's future isn't so bright; it's already scheduled for removal.

I was pleased to see comedian Dan Ilic did mount a Simpsons-inspired tribute to the demise of this one, though...
